The 2N2907 is a widely used PNP bipolar junction transistor (BJT) suited for medium-power amplification and switching applications. It is known for its reliability and versatility in various electronic circuits. The transistor can handle a maximum collector current (Ic) of -600 mA, which allows it to be used in moderately high current applications.
It has a maximum collector-emitter voltage (Vceo) of -40 V and a maximum collector-base voltage (Vcbo) of -60 V, providing a good tolerance for higher voltage levels while operating. The 2N2907 also features a maximum emitter-base voltage (Vebo) of -5 V and a power dissipation of 600 mW, indicating its efficiency in handling power without excessive heat generation.
This transistor is characterized by a high current gain, typically within a range of 100 to 300, making it highly effective for signal amplification tasks. With a transition frequency of 200 MHz, it performs well in high-frequency applications, including RF and audio processing. Its robust performance and dependable characteristics make it suitable for a broad range of applications, from consumer electronics to industrial control systems.
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