The 2N3906 is a commonly used PNP bipolar junction transistor (BJT) known for its efficiency in low-power amplification and switching applications. It serves as the PNP counterpart to the widely used 2N3904 NPN transistor, making it suitable for use in complementary or push-pull configurations.
This transistor is capable of handling a maximum collector current (Ic) of -200 mA, which makes it well-suited for low to moderate current applications. It features a maximum collector-emitter voltage (Vceo) of -40 V and a maximum collector-base voltage (Vcbo) of -40 V, ensuring good performance in circuits requiring medium voltage levels.
The 2N3906 also has a maximum emitter-base voltage (Vebo) of -5 V and a power dissipation of 625 mW, which helps it manage power efficiently and maintain stability in a range of operational environments. It boasts a transition frequency of 250 MHz, providing reliable performance in high-speed and high-frequency applications such as audio processing and RF amplification.
With a high current gain (beta), typically ranging from 100 to 300, the 2N3906 is effective at amplifying weak signals in various electronic circuits. Its versatility and reliability make it a favorite choice among electronics enthusiasts and professionals for projects in consumer electronics, automation, and signal processing.