The BC337 is an NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) commonly used for low-voltage applications such as small-signal amplification and switching. This transistor is housed in a TO-92 package, which is a small plastic encapsulation with leads suitable for through-hole mounting on printed circuit boards.
Key specifications for the BC337 include:
- Collector-Emitter Voltage (V_CE): 45 V maximum
- Collector-Base Voltage (V_CB): 50 V maximum
- Emitter-Base Voltage (V_EB): 5 V maximum
- Collector Current (I_C): 800 mA maximum
- Power Dissipation (P_D): 625 mW maximum
- DC Current Gain (h_FE): varies between 100 and 600 depending on the specific classification of the BC337 (such as BC337-16, BC337-25, or BC337-40), where the number indicates the group of h_FE.
The BC337 is known for its relatively high current gain and its robustness in a variety of circuits. It is particularly favored in hobbyist electronic projects and in commercial products where a reliable and efficient NPN transistor is needed for amplifying or switching applications.
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