Diodes play a key role in many electronic circuits due to their ability to allow current to flow in one direction and block it in another. Here are some common uses of diodes: Rectification: Diodes are used to convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) in rectifiers. This is the basis for powering most electronic devices using AC power. Circuit Protection: Diodes are used to protect sensitive electronics from reverse voltages that can arise from induction or wiring errors. LED Lighting: In LED circuits, diodes ensure that current flows in the correct direction so that the LEDs glow efficiently and safely. Logic Gates: In digital electronics, diodes are used to create diode logic gates that perform basic logic operations. Voltage Limiting: Zener diodes are used to limit the voltage in circuits to a certain threshold, protecting components from overvoltage. These and many other applications make diodes an integral part of modern electronics.
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